What is Whois Database and How It Works
19 Apr 2024
Table of Contents
1. What does WHOIS do? 2. Origin and History of WHOIS 3. Evolution of WHOIS 4. Initiating a WHOIS Search 5. Whois Data 6. Which information does WHOIS share? 7. WHOIS Data Model 8. Protection of Privacy 9. Why Keep Your Information Private? 10. Registering your domain name 11. What if the Domain name is unavailable for sale? 12. Why Brandnic is your best domain name and branding, provider. 13. Final Words The word ‘’WHOIS” is usually pronounced as ‘’WHO IS’’. It is a tool that enables anyone to search the statistics and facts of a registered website (domain) including name and contact data. It is structured in the form of listing records, widely used to search and query registered domain information.
The body in charge of regulating the domain name registration industry is the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).Premium domain providers such as Brandnic are brand names marketplace for domains to maintain domain names information for individuals and corporate bodies ranging from only Top Level Domains (TLDs) such as .com

What does WHOIS do?
WHOIS divulges pertinent information about a domain name, by simply executing a search. Through WHOIS lookup tools like Brandnic, you can obtain information about who the seller of a premium domain is including basic information of the owner such as the address, phone number, email address, name servers and so on.What is the Whois Domain lookup tool?
WHOIS domain look-up is the enabling tool that allows you access to investigate the ownership and tenure of a domain name in the registry database.How Is A Domain WHOIS Search Conducted?
A WHOIS search is conducted by imputing the necessary domain or IP address into the search box, queries will be sent and the most recent information will be displayed.What Is the WHOIS Database?
The WHOIS database is a pool containing all registered domains on the web. The details of a registered domain on a database is usually available and accessible to the public through WHOIS lookup tools. ICANN maintains and updates the WHOIS database.Origin and History of WHOIS
Let us breakdown WHOIS, its origins and the framework regulating its operations for better enlightenment. WHOIS origination can be traced to the year 1982 when the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) published a protocol established for the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) users. This established protocol was a directory in which data and information of users transmitting data around the ARPANET were listed as a requirement. In 1998, based on the evolution of the Internet and the growing need for the protocol by various stakeholders, ICANN took over the protocol and maintained the status quo, based on the IETF standard. It emerged to become the WHOIS protocol in use till date.
Evolution of WHOIS
The modifications to the WHOIS service prerequisite agreements with registrars and registries over the years occurred as a response to the expansion and dynamic changes in the use of the Internet. The policies implemented include actions to trail mischievous behavior, standardize domain name registration processes, public interest protection, assisting stakeholders in tackling fraud and preventing obnoxious uses of information.Initiating a WHOIS Search
There are diverse ways of implementing a WHOIS search. A command-line interface application was the most commonly used means. However, web-based tools are extensively used now, and the process has been abridged for easy usage. Some of the various ways of WHOIS search implementation include: WHOIS Lookup Tool – This is the commonest and is a web-based implementation whereby users only need to proceed to a web-based WHOIS look-up directory and input a domain name and press the search button. The search query would give any available registration information from the central directory or determine that the domain name is available if unregistered.
Whois Data
As the name suggests, WHOIS is simply a kind of tool that provides answers to questions such as “who is?’’ and other incidental questions in relation to the domain name or an IP address of users. WHOIS data is the information provided by an owner when registering a domain name and it is usually stored in a WHOIS database.
Which information does WHOIS share?
A record is a compilation constituting pieces of evidence about an account kept in writing or some sort of permanent form, and these records are distinct ranging from registrar to registrar. However, they commonly share mandatory information provided during registration. Information provided ranges from the domain name, name and contact information of the registrar, name and contact information of the domain owner, the link to their WHOIS server, the status of a domain name, the name server, the creation and expiration dates.
Registrar’s data
The registrar’s data must be kept up to date at all times, in the event issues in connection with the domain ownership arise, which will require the provision of accurate details of the domain name, in order for issues to be easily resolved.WHOIS Data Model
There are two classes of data models, which are used in storing up WHOIS data. They are; the thin model and the thick model.The thin WHOIS lookup model provides the registrar information, name server, and the registration dates only.The thick WHOIS lookup model provides additional information attainable beyond what is available from a thin WHOIS record, such as the domain owner, technical and administrative record. The thick model ensures consistent and slightly faster queries.

Protection of Privacy
Due to the availability and accessibility of data and information to the public, some registrars such as Brandnic brand names come up with privacy protection services that permit domain owners to conceal their actual contact in the WHOIS search result, to prevent their private information from getting into the wrong hands such as scammers.Why Keep Your Information Private?
Failing to conceal your information which ought to be private, makes you vulnerable to a great deal of spam.Information privacy reduces the rate at which spam appears.Individuals and corporate entities search the WHOIS database to create a list of target organizations or establishments to send unsolicited mass emails and advertisements to earn your patronage. Within the limited time of registration, your cell might be buzzing with offers from a purported deal, for example, website designers. You may even end up becoming a victim of fake registration and fake alerts by giving out detailed information which ought to be private and shared willingly.

Registering your domain name
Domain names are a representation of a brand and they are a formidable tool in driving business growth. A catchy or short domain name can do just the magic for your brand, depending on the nature of your business.Selecting a good domain name by yourself tends to be a bone in the neck and really tricky.The various possible domain names flashing through your mind, leaving you to confuse with few choices or none at all.

- Search for a premium domain name.
- Add the domain to your cart.
- Enter your contact information.
- Check out.
What if the Domain name is unavailable for sale?
If the domain name required is unavailable, pre-owned and yet to be listed for sale, it is possible to approach the domain owner and inquire, if they are willing to sell it.
Why Brandnic is your best domain name and branding, provider.
Branding is a self-discovery journey that defines who you are, who you want to be and how people perceive you. You do not have to walk the mile alone. Personalized logos designed by Brandnic are uniquely crafted to express the brand and engender customer appeal. Some props available are a high-quality cheap domain, business packages, and deals at affordable rates. Brandnic is the most suitable brand that to assist you to start up by business and establishment as a notable brand with other outstanding support such as authentic trademark certification, 24/7 customer support, website description/content, and domain name monitoring services. provide domain names.
A great brand enjoys business referrals, trust, credibility and customer satisfaction.Using branding resources and products from trusted companies such as Brandnic makes it easy to generate appealing and solid advertising strategies that match well with your branding goals. The website also has an expanse list of cheap premium domain names, which typically are more expensive than the typical domains and is a very useful tool in generating brand names. You can easily couch a brand name from the already generated cheap premium domain names.